Automatic OOO, Auto-reply and Unsubscribe (Not interested) detection.
What will it do.
It will automatically detect OOO emails and push next email in the campaign schedule for that particular prospect by 7-10 days.
Automatically move OOO received email into OOO category in Unibox.
Automatically detect Auto/Auto responder replies (pause campaign, if pause on reply is enabled), and move them to seperate category in Unibox.
Automatically detect Unsubcribe/Stop and other forms of negativity, >>> mark them as Not interested and pause campaign for them.
And Unibox forward/looping is automatically disabled if receiving emails is classified as OOO, Auto reply or Negativity.
Rohan Shah
We now automatically detect OOO emails and reschedule them based on the date mentioned by the respondent. This feature will need to be enabled for each campaign in options however
Michael Sipes
Great feature and needed. It would be great at the bear minimum to be able to ignore a response if a OOO is detected.